

The easiest way of all to still the mind is by using the natural workings of the mind itself to lead our awareness to the Self. This is accomplished through the mental repetition of a yogic mantra. Since this subject is covered in detail later, we need only say a few words here to indicate how the science of mantra uses the mind to transcend itself.

     In Mantra Yoga, sound vibrations are utilized to affect the energy structure of a person or object. Since all thoughts are vibrations, mantra meditation involves the constant mental repetition of certain syllables, “thoughts” whose vibratory effect is to refine our awareness and modulate it upward to higher and higher levels of the mind until eventually the very limits of the mind are reached and transcended, leading us right to spontaneous witness-consciousness. Through mantra meditation, Yoga offers us a simple-to-use, highly effective means of bypassing many of the obstacles inherent in the quest for Self-realization, and exactly how this is accomplished will be our concern at a more appropriate point further on in our investigation.


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