The importance of Panchagavya :-

The importance of Panchagavya :-

In Sanskrit, Panchagavya means the blend of five products obtained from cow. Panchagavya is made from five products of the cow -- its dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd. 

1. Godugdha (Cow Milk): 

• Cow milk mentioned as best milk among all
• As per Ayurvedic classics cow milk is useful in various disease
as well as it increases Vital energy and immune power of the
• Chemical composition wise it is having fat, carbohydrate,
minerals, calcium, Iron and Vitamin B.
• Stroncin : a contain from cow milk provides capacity for resist
body again atomic radiation.
• Another contain Cerebrosides having good ability to improve and
regenerate brain cell.

2. Goghruta (Cow Ghee) :

• Best among all kind of ghee
• As per Ayurvedic classics it is useful in various kind of systemic,
physical and mental disorders as well as it sustain the age for
long time and delayed genetic condition and maintain body
biochemistry in it’s optimum level (means increases Ojas)
• Gau ghruta also improves environment. When it is used in Yajna.
It improves the level of oxygen and Ozon gases in surround aeas.

3. Gomutra (Cow Urine) :

• Total 8 type of urine are explained for medicinal purpose, among
those Cow urine is best.
• Anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal property is found in it.
• It is also having anti-oxidant and immuno modulator property,
which is very much useful for auto immune disease which are
increasing now a day.
• In classics there are so many references available where cow
urine is mentioned as a drug of choice. Internally as well as
externally too.
• In it also having germicidal property and it might be the chief
reason why Gau mutra were used as a holi content on each and
every occasion.

4. Gomaya (Cow Dung) :
• Gomaya is considered equally holi content as Gau mutra and it is
used to purify the environment.
• Cow dung has radium and it checks the radiation effects.
• Various internal and external meditional use of cow dung are
seen in classic.

5.Curd is a byproduct of cow milk. All the leading practitioners of Ayurveda, including Charaka and Sushruta, have written on its qualities and usefulness. It is considered as one of the most wholesome food items throughout the world. Curd has its therapeutic value in many diseases. It has been described as a tonic and is credited with the properties that prevent premature aging. Curd also brings relief to patients of diarrhoea and dysentery and is recommended in chronic specific and non-specific colitis


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