It’s simple guys — there are things that put me off completely and things that make me walk on air. This is the first edition of what I’d like to call “The G List”. Read on!
I prefer it when guys follow the K.I.S.S principle! Now don’t get excited. I simply mean Keep It Simple, Stupid! Don’t brag too much, don’t put other people down and don’t go flamboyant when it’s not needed. Simple gestures make me happy.
I love guys who go the extra mile to look good and if they maintain it at all times, even better. But by looking good, I don’t mean hair dripping in gel. Well-cut hair, unrumpled clothes and clean nails are all you need! And yes, I have a clean nail fetish! :-)
I’m extremely turned off by people who don’t have a keen sense of humour! If you make me laugh a couple of times, you have me hook, line and sinker. But that doesn’t mean you sound like a joke book! Be natural and be yourself.
I’m a girl’s girl when it comes to dating. Simple I am, but the occasional wining and dining also proves that you are willing to treat me like YOUR princess!
I love dancing and I’ve grown up watching my parents do ballroom dance with elan. I’d love a man who can dip me, twirl me around and jive with me.
There are times I just want to stay by myself not doing anything in particular. It’s a turn-off when this space is intruded. I’m a people’s person, but I’m my OWN person before that!
Nothing is more turning on than a fragrance that suits you. When you’re gone, this what’s going to make me miss you. Be Confident. Speak your Mind. Confidence will work as the most subtle, yet the best appeal you can have.Respect domestic help, waiters, drivers etc. It makes me livid when I see someone, insult to the working class. It’s extremely uncouth and uncool. Smile a lot. Play good music. Don’t be afraid to Laugh at yourself. I’m not that hard to figure out, am I?


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