Word by Word meaning of Gayatri mantra:-

Word by Word meaning of Gayatri mantra:-

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्।।

Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

OM or AUM =OM comprises of three letters A,U and M;A=stands for Atma or Soul-The mind should think of only the soul and remove bodyconciousness;
U=Unnathi or progress – emotional,intellectual, soceital and spiritual upliftment of self and the world;
M=Mahannatha =stands for cultivation of topnotch qualities and attributes in life and living agreat and noble life.

BHUHU,BHUVAHA and SVAHA are known asMaha vyahrities (Maha=Great ,Vya=allpervasive, ahriti=cosmic knowledge)

Bhuhu is physical-with respect to individual, it is body. Macroscopically, it is material existence.
Bhuvaha is mental/intellectual –Individually, itis mindand intellect. Macroscopically, it is Chaitanya or the energy capacity to do work)which controls matter in this universe.
Svaha-Individually,it is our inner self. On thewhole,it is
Parabrahman (God) which plays with Chaitanya and Jad. By contemplating on these 3 vyahrities ,one attains the divine wisdom of using cosmicenergy on cosmic matter.

TAT=that (God)-God is impersonally addressed as TAT just like in the Vedas.
SAVITHUR= Savita means light. Here, Savita signifies the triple currents of Gayatri –
(Wealth) and
(Physical powers and good health).
Savithur or God’s light spreads everywhere with this mantra and removes ignorance.
Hreem destroys lack of knowledge,
Shreem destroys lack of wealth orpoverty andKleem
destroys lack of health orphysical weakness.

VARENYAM=Varenyam signifies our acceptance of God, and can be translated as meaning "Who is worthy". Ever ready to obtain all the material riches of the world, more often than not, they are a disappointment once they have been achieved. God however is the one who, once realized and achieved, has the ability to truly satisfy. We therefore accept Him as the Highest reality, and it is to Him that we dedicate our efforts.
Varenyam can also be interpreted as signifying one who is eligible. We have chosen Him to be our Leader and our Guide. We place our all into His hands, and accept Him regardless of anything else. We place no conditions on this acceptance, as it is all out of sheer devotion.

BHARGO=annihilate or destroy (ignorance)


DHEEMAHI=we meditateDHIYO=intellect



PRACHODHAYAT=requesting / urging / prayingIn short -it is a prayer to the Almighty Supreme God,the Creator of entire cosmos, the essence of ourlife’s existence, who removes all our pains andsufferings and grants happiness beseeching His/Herdivine grace to imbibe within us .Her/ His divinityand brilliance purify us and guide our righteous wisdom on the right path.

Occult meaning of Gayatri mantra-

As mentioned before,Gayatri not only is a prayer for supreme knowledge, but also a mantra. Mantras have huge occult powers within them. Of all the mantras, all the great rishis consider the supreme mantra is Gayatri mantra with gigantic occult powers and supernatural siddhis (powers).During speech, the nerve-fibres of the particular parts of the mouth from which sound emits stretchup to different parts of the body and put pressure on the corresponding glands.There are many large and small, visible and invisible glands in the body. Yogis know that some specific energies lie hidden in these glands, Shat-Chakras (six energy centre) related to the Sushumna gland are quite well known but there are several other such glands in the body.The utterance of different words has its impact on different glands and by such impact the energy of
these glands gets stimulated.


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