Why should we offer Nivedhya to god?

Why should we offer Nivedhya to god?
A devotee asked his guru, Why do we offer prasad to God ? The wise guru explained, “When we cook food, we cook it not for our pleasure but for the pleasure of the Lord. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that if we offer Him even a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, with love and devotion – He eats it.

When the Lord eats the food offered to Him, it becomes Prasadam – a sacrament. Just as a person suffering with tuberculosis contaminates the food, which if shared with someone else and transfers the disease. The transcendental saliva of God now contaminates this food. And if you eat, it you get infected with Bhakti – Love of God.”

The seeker immediately asked “Why should God eat the food we offer to Him. Isn’t he perfect and complete? Why does He need to eat any food?”
The master replied: “God, who is perfect and complete, eats the food, and yet it remains in full for His devotee to consume.If your child takes money from your wallet, buys a chocolate that he wants, and then before gobbling it up, offers a piece to you with love and devotion- would you eat it (even if you hated sweets)? Of course you would!

The master further continued, God does not need to eat anything or accept any offering, yet He does- overcome by the love and devotion that accompanies it.
The result of eating this offering as Prasadam is a magical transformation of the individual into a Bhakta or Devotee.

Everything that you eat, if offered to God, will infect you with Bhakti and enable you to eat your way into God’s heart.”

Whatever is distributed among the devotees after Arati ceremony is called Prasad. Prasad is the symbol of the fact that God is pleased with the worshipper and the devotees. In ancient times fruits were placed before the guest by the host to show his happiness at the arrival of the guest. (Prasadchihnani puraha falani – Kalidasa) When we offer Bhog to Shree Hari, it symbolises our perfect dedication to Him. Whatever is offered as food is called Naivedya and whatever is distributed among the devotees is called Prasad. Prasad reflects the happiness of God so far as the devotee is concerned.

Naivedya is one of the sixteen constituents of devotional practices. Here the devotee dedicates himself to God. This is symbolized by Naivedya offering. That which is worth offering to Shree Hari is called Naivedya. According to religious scriptures Naivedya is of five types:

Whatever eatables are to be offered as Naivedya should be admirable and sacred. Such eatables should be such as could be swallowed, chewed, licked, drunk and sucked. (else where they are declared as of four types).

According to scriptures naivedya is offered in plates of gold, silver, copper or wood. They are offered also on clean leaves of lotus or banana trees. Naivedya is kept on the right side of Shree Hari, otherwise it would be unedible and water sprinkled on it is as unholy as liquor. Naivedya can be taken as Prasada by anyone. The Prasad of other deities is meant only for the worshipper or the devotees of that particular divinity.

When Naivedya is offered to Shree Hari the following verses are recited:

Naivedyam gruhayatam deva bhakti me haychalam kuru,
Ipsitam me varam dehi, paratra cha param gatim.
Sharkarakhandkadyani dadhikshirghrutani cha,
Aaharam bhakshyabhojyam cha naivedyam pratigruhayatam.

“O God accept Naivedya and make my devotion firm. Give me desired boon, and the supreme state here and in the next life. I have offered crystal sugar, eatables, curd, milk and clarified butter and food worth eating and chewing."

After offering naivedya to Shree Hari water is poured around the plate of Naivedya and sprinkled on it by a Tulsi leaf or a flower. After this, while moving the right hand repeatedly the following Mantra is recited:
Pranaya swaha | Apnaya swaha | Vyanaya swaha |
Udanaya swaha | Samanaya swaha | Brahmen swaha |

“May this offering reach the five types of Pranas like Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, Samana and Brahman.” The Naivedya while being taken to Shree Hari is covered with a clean piece of cloth and then it is removed.

Sour, bitter or putrefied eatables are never offered as naivedya. When food with sweets which we consume is offered to Shree Hari it is called maha Naivedya.


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